Start a New Life.
Schengen Residency.
  1. Multiple choice
    We believe that each family and each individual is different. The same program will not suit everyone. Therefore, we have partnered with numerous governments inside and outside Schengen and EU to provide the most suitable solution to all of our clients.
  2. Approved Agency
    In a business world where trust is the keystone of success we must secure our clients and protect them from any mis-treatments. This is the reason why we have acquired government approval for our activities from our partnering governments.
  3. Risk Free
    When taking a decision of any magnitude risk is a major point of concern. In order to minimize your risk we are granting you a money-back-guarantee. Based on our guarantee you will get your money back in case we fail to deliver what we have promised.
Better Future for your Family
Success rate: 98%
In this chaotic world of war and famine we need to make sure that our family is in peace and is not endangered in any ways. Thus, we constantly seek a way to provide a better and safer future to our loved ones. However, when it comes to make a decision about the future we often fall into the trap of doubt, fearing the possibility of any negative outcome. The trap of this very human tendency lies in the fact that once we become doubtful we shall never take actions and this will simply never change. We run into too many concerns and considerations about money, trust, procedures and future.


When establishing our entity our goal was to provide an opportunity for a better life to all those seeking to relocate or acquire a second citizenship. In order to support all of our clients we have established a very effective and greatly successful administrative and financial system where our clients can rest assured that with our assistance they shall achive their goals in the shortest possible time. We grant assistance to all of our clients with any matter related to acquiring a new residency or citizenship.
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The best way to predict the future is to create it.
Peter Drucker


Through our programs:

- Any Nationalities may apply
- Only one application is required for the entire family
- All un-married children may be included in the application
- Some of our programs even allow grandparents to participate under the application of the main applicant.
Freedom of Movement
Fast Track Processing
Freedom of movement is a right many do not possess in the world. Our aim is to support and encourage the freedom of movement and to reinsate this right for our clients. Our programs have been carefully selected to suit the needs of our clients and to grant the widest range of benefits,
We understand that time is precious and is a very limited asset, therefore we have tailored all of our programs to take the shortest period of time. All of our programs are therefore fast track programs and although the processing times vary from country to country we can grant you a Schengen residency in as little time as 3 weeks.
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